Wikidata project

Thanks everyone who participated in the LD4 2021 Wikidata project!

Projects like this increase discoverability through Wikidata and will allow future editors to build on these newly-matched (or created) items.

LD4 2021 participants had the chance to create/interact with some real, live linked data by reconciling people in the CineChile catalog on Wikidata:

  • We matched 919 items during the conference week

  • 79% of all matched items in the CineChile catalog have occurred during LD4-2021!

  • Before we started, 245 people had been matched. As of the end of July 2021, 1163 people are now matched. This puts 6% of the total collection as being matched.

  • There are still ~17,000 people left to match, but this is a great impact to have had in such a short amount of time.

Note that the project has concluded and the Dashboard has stopped tracking contributions. You can still use the project page for reference to contribute enhancements to the CineChile catalog in Wikidata