Visit the 2022 LD4 Conference Page

2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data

"Building Connections Together"

View the LD4 2021 Posters here:

Recordings are on the 2021 LD4 Conference YouTube playlist:

Keynote Jessica Meyerson asked the session participants to share "Two words that describe how you are entering this virtual space... What are you bringing with you into this virtual room?"

Having everybody share how they were feeling was a great way to start LD4 2021!

wordcloud - two words that describe how you are entering this virtual space? What are you bringing with you into this virtual room?

LD4 2021 Keynote Jessica Meyerson

Jessica Meyerson is a facilitator, community cultivator, and applied researcher who strives to connect intentionality in her/our daily practices to system-level change. Serving as Deputy Director of Educopia Institute and co-director of The Maintainers, Jessica's work explores the ways that information flows between people over time, ways that groups produce knowledge together, and what our infrastructures say about who we are and what we value.

LD4 2021 Keynote Lauren Klein

As data are increasingly mobilized in the service of governments and corporations, their unequal conditions of production, their asymmetrical methods of application, and their unequal effects on both individuals and groups have become increasingly difficult for those who rely on data in their work to ignore. Data feminism is a way of thinking about data and its communication that is informed by the past several decades of intersectional feminist activism and critical thought. Illustrating data feminism in action, this talk shows how challenges to the male/female binary can help to challenge other hierarchical classification systems; how an understanding of emotion can expand our ideas about effective data visualization; how the concept of invisible labor can expose the significant human efforts required by our automated systems; and why the data never, ever “speak for themselves.”

Shortcut to conference website (you are here):

Conference themes

The conference included activities tailored to all levels of experience with linked data, with a focus on themes of

  • Linked data education

  • Inclusion of diverse voices

  • Practical steps toward linked data adoption

  • Reliability and availability of linked data

  • Incorporating linked data into day-to-day library operations

  • Linked data advocacy

Throughout, we hope to have provided opportunities for participants to connect with one another around shared challenges and interests, forming connections that can continue beyond the conference timeframe.


  • The conference took place online, July 19-23, 2021.

  • The language of the conference is English, but there may be opportunities to meet in language-specific groups if there is interest.

  • The conference is free of charge.

  • The LD4 conference is an initiative of the LD4 Community.

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Xiaoli Li (University of California, Davis)

  • Elizabeth Russey Roke (Emory University)

  • Paloma Graciani Picardo (University of Texas at Austin)

Co-chair contact:

Get involved with the library linked data community

The LD4 conference is part of a wider LD4 Community, which includes a website (, a Slack Workspace, and several open affinity groups. Join the LD4 Slack workspace where you'll find channels for affinity groups on topics like discovery (#discovery), ethics in linked data (#ethicsld), and Wikidata (#wikidata).

2020 LD4 Conference

Resources from the 2020 LD4 Conference: