Public Speaking

Public Speaking:
*Extemporaneous Speaking aka Extemp/USX/IX
*Oration/Persuasive Speaking aka OO or Original Oratory
*Informative Speaking aka INFO

UIL Public Speaking
Here is the link to the UIL Rules for speech events:

TFA Public Speaking
Here is the link to the TFA website, where they call the public speaking events "Platform Events" instead:

With our school's membership to the NSDA website, you can login with your NSDA account to see the finals rounds videos from previous years:

Extemp/Current Events Topic Areas
US Extemp
1: Business and Economics
2: Crime and the Courts
3: Education and the Environment
4: Elections and Politics
5: Health and Health Care
6: Military and National Security
7: State and Social Issues
8: Space, Science, and Technology
9: U.S. Government
International Extemp
1: Africa
2: Central and South America
3: China, The Koreas, and Japan
4: Eastern Europe, Russia, and Australia
5: International Relations and Organizations
6: Middle East
7: North America
8: Pakistan, India, and Southeast Asia
9: Western Europe