Additional Events

Additional Events Include:
*UIL Current Issues and Events
*Scholarship Contests
*Essay/Writing Contests
*Spoken Word Poetry

UIL Current Issues and Events
To prepare for UIL, during the school year we do virtual competitions with an average of one test per month. For UIL, we are now allowed to enter 6 students at District, but only the top 4 scores will determine the team's placement/ranking. The 1st place team and the invidiual students placing 1st through 3rd place advance to UIL Region, where the same rules apply for advancing to UIL State. The contest rules are available on the UIL website:

Scholarship Speech Contests
See your coach for additional opportunities to compete through organizations such as Rotary Club, National Management Association, Optimists Club, etc. for chance to win money giving speeches.

Writing Contests and Publications
Visit with your coach for additional opportunities for essay/writing contests. You are encouraged to submit writing to and other wesbsites to try to get published.