Newsletter 34

W/c 10th June



For regular updates on all the exciting things we are getting up to in school, you'll need to follow us @StStephensCofE. Don't miss out!



Monday 17th June - Year Four trip to The British Museum

Tuesday 18th June - Group photos (please see the note below on uniform requirements)

Wednesday 19th June  pm – KS2 sports day at St Mary’s University


Saturday 22nd June - Orleans vs St Stephen's Football Tournament

Monday  24th June  am – KS1 sports day – Moormead Park

Monday 24th - Friday 28th June - Diversity week 

Tuesday 25th June - Dress up for Diversity Week

Wednesday 26th June - Reception drop in sessions - 3.45-4.15pm

Thursday  27th June am – Reception sports day playground

Thursday 27th June - Year Two trip to St Stephen's Church

Friday 28th June - INSET Day (Stars open 8:30-4:30)

Monday 1st July - Transition morning

Monday 1st July - FOSS and class reps meeting for new Reception parents 

Monday 1st - Wednesday 3rd July - Year Three Safer Walking

Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July - Year Six production - 7pm

Wednesday 3rd July (King) and Thursday 4th July (Anning) - Reception trip to Twickenham Beekeepers 


Saturday 6th  July - St Margaret's Fair

Wednesday 10th July – Year Five to Six transition & Hooke Court Meeting – 5pm

Friday 12th July - FOSS BBQ

Tuesday 16th July - Open Day

Tuesday 16th July - Year Six Leavers’ service - St Stephen’s Church

Wednesday 24th July - End of term. School closes at 2.15pm


Class and group photographs will be taken on Tuesday 18th June. Ties must be worn for anyone wearing a shirt. If your child has a sports club before school or has PE/games on Tuesday, they will need to pack their uniform into a bag and bring to school. Thank you so much for your co-operation. 


St Stephen's is currently at full capacity and we have thirty two children on our waiting list, which is growing daily. As always, there is a significant demand for places at our school. If you are planning on relocating, please could you inform us as soon as possible. We will then we able to offer a place to someone on our waiting list. Thank you so much for your co-operation. 


Such was the resounding success of the Stars Summer Holiday Camp,  we are opening our school gates again this summer. Sessions will take place Monday-Friday. The dates are - Monday 5th Aug to Friday 23rd Aug – 5 days a week. Mr Cain will be co-hosting 3 days a week in the second and third weeks. It costs forty pounds per session, per child and timings are 8.30am to 4.30pm. Breakfast will be provided, children will need to bring a packed lunch. 

If you are interested you can book here on parentpay

Registration closes on Friday 28th June. Book early to avoid disappointment. Places are limited. 

Last year children did lots of activities, including clay modelling, sports sessions, sprinkler fun, outdoor collages and so much more. This year, our Stars Manager, Jo Meir, is planning to organise arty sessions for the children to paint the ceiling of the quiet zone. Judging by the spectacular wall painting the children have already completed, the artwork is sure to be up to the standard of that other famous ceiling painting at the Sistine Chapel. We cannot wait to see the results from the young Michelangelos. We will keep you posted. 


Our children's behaviour and learning at St Stephen's is excellent. In order to maintain our high standards, we ask children to prepare for the day by lining up silently and in one line. Some of the children are finding this hard in the morning as sometimes parents stand next to their child and talk to them. In order for us to start the day well, please could we ask parents to move away from the lines once the bell has been rung. It is difficult for us to move the children off into school when parents may sometimes be still standing in the line with their children. Thank you for your help.


Huge congratulations to the FOSS team of parents and grandparents who completed the 170-mile bike ride to Paris after months of training. All in aid of  raising money for school and some fantastic charities. This is an astounding achievement and we would like to thank them so much for this extradordinary effort. Lots of shots below of the send off and arrival and the wonderful circus day, provided by The Flying Seagulls charity. For a full report turn to page three. We have some reports from our Year Six children on the day too. 

In this issue ...

Year Six French cafe - page two 

Year Three take the train to the British Museum - page two 

James marks fabulous drama achievement - page four 

All about sport - page four 

STOP PRESS ... STOP PRESS .... MESSAGE FROM FOSS - St Stephen's Got Talent will return to the big main stage at the St Margarets Fair on 6th July at 12.15pm to do an ensemble of the talent show. Please join us and show your support for our young people once again by coming to cheer them on in this amazing WOW moment. STOP PRESS ... STOP PRESS ...