Year 5

In Art we created an artwork based on the Black History theme linked to Banksy and Shamsia Hassani, two street artists we have been learning in class. We used a variety of media, including black silhouettes and the relief printing technique.

As part of our Black History home project, we learnt a traditional african dance, involving our parents and siblings too!

Homework 03.10.2022 (6 Oct 2022 at 18_58).MOV

Year 6

The children celebrated National Poetry Day by taking part in poetry sessions led by poet Tomos Roberts. Tomos helped the children to draft, edit and perform their own Remembrance Poems. The children were able to gain a deep understanding of who, how and why we remember.

The children in year 6 have been using playing cards to create difficult sums and equations. They have been extending their existing skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and working in pairs to support and challenge one another.

Year 6 used the immersive audio experience Now Press Play to explore the impact of volcano eruptions and earthquakes on humans and their environments. They understand that the earth’s crust is broken up into tectonic plates and that the movement of tectonic plates can cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.