Year 3
The year 3 children have been looking at why and how seeds are dispersed. They used a variety of resources to model how seeds are dispersed via mechanical, water, wind and animal dispersal. Velcro was used to replicate the hooks on burdock plants, origami helicopter wings to model sycamore seeds, bowls to help seeds float on water and bursting balloons to show mechanical dispersal like the exploding squirting cucumber.
In year 3, we have been exploring the names and functions of different parts of the flower. To help us understand what role they play in producing fruit and seeds we were able to take apart and dissect the flower and see its component parts.
As part of PSHCE, year 3 have been learning about how the image which people portray on social media may not truly reflect their reality. We have also understood the impact that this may have on our own feelings and mental health.
Year 3 have been learning about human dignity and how we need to respect each other as part of Religion. We have been learning what it means to all be unique and have decorated pictures of our hands to show how we are all different but made in God’s image.
Year 3 enjoyed wearing yellow and bright colours to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day.
Year 4
In Year 4 we enjoyed yellow day! It is always fun to wear something colourful and different from our school uniform especially for a good cause such as mental health day. Yellow reminded us to feel happy and be positive and to make sure those around us are happy too!
In Art we have been learning about Clarice Cliff and Lapita pottery. We then designed our masks inspired to Benin kingdom and we used clay and tools to shape and decorate them.
For Black History we have been interviewing special women in our lives, their struggles, their achievements and some interesting information about them. We have also listened to Harriet Tubman’s story on Now Press Play, acting it out.
Finally, you can see some pictures of our forest school lessons.