
The pre-school’s theme has been Autumn for the last couple of weeks. The children have been on leaf hunts and used these for sensory activities as well as painting and printing with them. The children have enjoyed lots of outdoor time developing their balancing skills, their team work skills and their imaginations. We have been working on spoon skills this week too through snack times. 


Nursery children celebrated their different cultures at our first stay and play session! 

Parents came to join us in class and brought lots of yummy food !

Children enjoyed tasting food from different cultures and danced to music from a variety of countries.

Teachers painted children’s flags on their faces, children loved to see where they are from, when they looked in the mirror. 

The best part was children showing their parents all their toys and meeting their new friends. We had a fantastic day !

Nursery Parents Save the Date - come along to our Stay & Play Session this term on 12th Dec

More details will be sent nearer the time! We hope you can join us!


Child Initiated Learning - There are times in the day where we listen and learn from our teachers and there is plenty of time when we initiate our own learning and get to share things with others. Such as how good we are with the hula hoops or read our reading books or books we have made ourselves to our friends.  

We even ask the teachers to give us a spelling test when they are trying to do something else. It’s so much fun sitting in the teachers chair!

Let's Blow Bubbles - Every couple of weeks we try a fun experiment, this can be something we are currently learning about or something we want to find out more about.  

We’ve made ‘Walking Rainbows’, ‘Floating and Sinking experiments, ' which was fun as we had 2 eggs, a real one and a plastic one.  We all predicted they would both float but 1 did and 1 didnt.

This week was bubbles, we all love a bubbles, especially making bubble snakes and giant bubbles that we can fit into.

Cultural History & Exploring