Build Skills

Racial Equity

Acceptance and Empathy Resources for Educators (Emerson Collective)

External Resource

A collection of readings and tools that are intended to help educators foster acceptance and empathy into their classrooms.

A couple of highlights:

Becoming An Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization: Resources

Shared by Young Audiences New York

This collection of resources for becoming an anti-racist multicultural organization includes a continuum tool, associated background on organization theory, an assessment tool, and examples of action steps.

Building Equitable Learning Environments (BELE) Library

The BELE Framework, and the accompanying Equitable Learning Library, is not a “how-to” manual but rather a guide for co-designing public school systems in partnership with families and communities, using evidence-based tools. These resources will equip us to collectively design and test changes from the classroom to the state legislature.

College Success & Culturally Responsive Curriculum (Opportunity Network)

Summer Session Webinar

tags: college success, post-secondary success, Equitable & Inclusive Culture, CRP, CRE, culturally responsive, curriculum review, brief, tools, Wellness Wheel, tips

Critical Race Theory in Youth Development Organizations (Center for Supportive Schools)

Skill-Building Session

Culturally Responsive Capacity Building (Ramapo)

EXPO Workshop

tags: culturally responsive, capacity building

Leading Change through DEI Lens (Opportunity Network)

EXPO Workshop

tags: change management, leadership, DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion

The Racial Equity Imperative: The Role of the Nonprofit Sector (Race Forward)

EXPO Keynote

Race Forward believes five areas are necessary to make meaningful change: narrative shift, institutional and sector-level transformation, community-led research, policy development, and movement building. Julie Nelson of Race Forward encouraged the Network to normalize, operationalize, organize, and visualize racial equity. How?

  • Normalize: Develop shared understanding of what structural racism is, what its effects are, and why it exists.

  • Operationalize: Use methodologies to ensure decision-making promotes racial equity.

  • Organize: Have internal infrastructure and partnerships, because no individual organization will dismantle racism alone.

  • Visualize: What would a racially equitable NYC look like?

tags: DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion, race, racial equity, racial equity
6.27 SSN Expo.pptx

Racial Equity Statement (EHTP)

EXPO Workshop

tags: DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion, race, racial equity, racial equity statement, input, feedback, buy-in

Six Activities for Students to Investigate School Segregation and Educational Inequality (The New York Times)

External Resource

These teaching activities, written directly to students, use recent Times articles as a way to grapple with segregation and educational inequality in the present. This resource considers three essential questions:

• How and why are schools still segregated in 2019?

• What repercussions do segregated schools have for students and society?

• What are potential remedies to address school segregation?

The 1619 Project Curriculum (The Pulitzer Center )

External Resource

The 1619 Project, inaugurated with a special issue of The New York Times Magazine, challenges us to reframe U.S. history by marking the year when the first enslaved Africans arrived on Virginia soil as our nation's foundational date. The Pulitzer Center has created reading guides, activities, and other resources to bring The 1619 Project into your program.

Social Emotional Learning and Equity (National Equity Project)

External Resource

This resource several pitfalls and recommendations for educators seeking to implement SEL to make progress on equity and inclusion.

SEL As a Lever for Equity (CASEL)

External Resource

These resources examines how CASEL’s core SEL competencies reflect issues of equity, including programs and practices that support the development of the competencies to promote educational equity.

Recently, CASEL launched a weekly webinar series on SEL as a Lever for Equity and Social Justice. Watch recordings and view slides from past sessions, and register for upcoming sessions.

Student Success Network's Role in Advancing Racial Equity in NYC

Executive Director Breakfast | 11/8/2019

Sarah Darville, National Editor at Chalkbeat, interviewed Paul Tough, author of The Years that Matter Most.

Shauwea Hamilton, Executive Director of Bottom Line New York, then introduced the "Awake-Woke-Work" stages of racial equity and led the group in a reflection on their "Blue Sky Racial Equity Visions."

SSN ED Breakfast 11.8.2019