Adapt A Member Practice

SEL Promising Practices

Practitioners at Bright Spot sites — member sites identified by our research partner as having a stronger positive effect on youth SEL compared to sites serving similar youth— share Promising Practices that they hypothesize led to youth SEL growth.

Foundations for Youth SEL Development

“Bright Spot” practitioners are clear that one-off activities are not enough. Adults need to create a supportive environment in order for activities and practices to take root. Student Success Network staff captured six foundations that “Bright Spot” practitioners see as building blocks of an environment that supports youth SEL development.

Use this Reflection Tool to:

  • Reflect on ways your program is currently supporting youth SEL development;
  • Identify new ways to support SEL development in your program.
Foundations For Youth SEL Development_11.12.19.pdf

Collab Practices

Members participating in collabs design, implement, and study practices to improve youth outcomes. SSN staff encourage collab participants to collect data on the practice's effectiveness.

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