Sycamore Valley Physical Education

Physical Education

 What to prepare for:



*DRESS IN EXERCISE CLOTHES and IN LAYERS it's chilly in the morning, but hot in the afternoon. Label your clothes or your hoodie will end up in the lost and found. 


*BE KIND :)  

Coach Cabrita

Welcome to the best class ever!😉 You will sweat, stretch, exercise, dance, play, and have fun in Physical Education!As a kid, I was constantly moving- running, climbing trees, swimming, hiking, biking, you name it. So, I was destined to teach Physical Education and I'm glad it found me. I was in the corporate world before this and sat in a cubicle all day. Thankfully, there was a foosball and ping pong table in the break room. That was a lifesaver. Now, I've been teaching for over 15 years and love everything about it.I love teaching Physical Education, because it's challenging, different everyday, kids are the best, and it's important for students to learn how to take care of their bodies.  Students also learn character traits like fairness, sportsmanship, kindness, and being respectful. P.E. Rocks!

Jump Rope

Students will learn jump roping skills, individual, group, and Chinese Jump Rope, a team jump activity.  

If your child wants their own rope, I purchased them on Beginner Beaded Jump Rope

Another site is

Keep up the practice and happy jumping!

Why is P.E. Important?

It's fun! It's the best subject to keep our hearts racing! 

I believe students will build confidence, make friends, learn about teamwork, and the importance of good sportsmanship.  Students will learn about their heart, muscles, nutrition, dance, and leadership, so they can take ownership of their health. 

Students will develop skills that help their focus, improve critical thinking, and this class will pave the way for kids to enjoy a lifelong love for living a healthy lifestyle. 

Run, Jump, Learn! How Exercise Can Transform our Schools-Dr. John J. Ratey 

Want Smarter Healthier Kids? Try Physical Education- Paul Zientarski

Check out the grade level standards here:

Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Mindful Movement

Students need a balance. Kids get the chance in P.E. to run, climb, jump, improve agility, balance, catching, throwing, kicking, aiming, etc., but less often, do they learn the importance of meditation, flexibility, and breath work. In P.E. class, students will learn how their breath can be a tool to calm their mind, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. Social Emotional Learning, or SEL activities we play improves bonding with others, builds stronger community, and deepens understanding of oneself.  

I also work at Yoga Six in Danville, so stop by for a free class or grab a deal on a week trial!

Learn your muscles here.

Get to know your heart

The Sycamore Sharks Wellness Room

Stay awhile and just be.

Enjoy the wellness room! 

 Click on the picture for fitness links

 Click on the picture for Inspiring Quotes 

Star Wars Workouts...