Letters of Recommendation

If you need a letter of recommendation from your counselor, you must make the request a month prior to your earliest deadline.
(Forms are only accessible from student's SRVUSD account)  

How to ask your teacher  for a letter of recommendation
(from the College Essay Guy)

How to choose the right teachers for a letter of recommendation.

In an ideal world, you’d ask someone who teaches a core subject (English, math, science, social studies), who taught you recently (junior year is prime) and who knows you well and actually likes you. If you can’t find one person who fits all of those things, this is what you should prioritize:

*Important note: Some colleges require or recommend that students submit recommendations from teachers in certain subject areas. Be sure you double check that.

Overall, think of it this way—it won’t help the college get to know you if your recommender doesn’t know you.

What if I need more than one letter?

Pick teachers who can highlight separate strengths. For example, your band teacher knows things about you that your English teacher doesn’t, and vice versa. Having said this, I wouldn’t recommend picking teachers who teach electives for your main letter of rec (with exceptions like your music teacher for music school and art teacher for art school) as colleges are most interested in how well you’re doing and will do in academic subjects.

What if I don’t know any of my teachers?

It’s better to cultivate a relationship with a teacher before you need something. But if you find yourself in a bind and haven’t gotten to know any of your teachers, it’s not too late to start. One of the best things you can do is pop in during your teacher’s office hours and, if they aren’t busy, ask questions. About class, work, life. Get to know them too.

Finally, to help your teachers get to know you better. Provide them with a copy of your resume or complete the teacher survey on Naviance.

When to ask for a letter

Ideally you’d ask for letters of recommendation at the end of your junior year. To keep it simple, the sooner your application is due, the sooner you need to ask. But be sure to ask at an appropriate time (not during class or during lunch (teachers need their lunch breaks too!). 

Two better options for when to ask for a letter of recommendation:


Final LOR Tips