

Grades: 9-12

CSU/UC: “g”

Prerequisite: Teacher permission; application required

In this course students will learn the necessary skills to produce their school’s yearbook. Students will be involved in every aspect of the yearbook production and will acquire many skills such as journalistic interviewing and writing, layout and graphic design, digital photography, and the use of professional page layout software such as Adobe InDesign or eDesign. Students, working individually and as a team, will communicate, collaborate, think critically, and manage time to meet important yearbook deadlines.

Advanced Publications

Grades: 10-12

CSU/UC: “g”

Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed Publications and be selected for an editor position.

This course is designed for returning Publications students who have been selected as a member of the yearbook leadership team. Student leaders will be involved with all aspects of creating the school’s yearbook. Students will plan and implement the training of Publications students, class organization, time management systems, and deadlines. Students will also learn and demonstrate higher level skills in graphic design, writing, editing, and digital photography.