
Culinary Arts 1 (Year Long)

Grades: 9-12

CSU/UC: “g”

This course is designed to give basic knowledge to the beginning cooking student. It covers a wide range of foods from omelets and crêpes to pizza and lasagna. There are practical food labs in which you cook at least two times a week. Learn many helpful cooking hints, including how to prepare foods for yourself as well as a fantastic meal for your guests. Recipe reading and ingredient cost analysis are stressed.


International Cuisine (Culinary Arts 2) (Year Long)

Grades: 10-12

CSU/UC: “g”

Prerequisite: Culinary Arts 1 and/or instructor approval.

International Cuisine is the advanced course in the culinary arts sequence. This course focuses on understanding the differences and commonalities we have with other cultures around the world. A common denominator in studying world cultures is cuisine. In studying the cuisine of a people or a region, we learn about a country’s geography and climate, traditions, taboos and social mores, unique conditions caused by environment on a food supply, pressures on a population to trade, export, import, permit a closed or open society, and cultural values. Students will acquire a greater understanding of their world and the cultural diversity that exists in their own community.


Winning student creation from the Iron Chef Final

Student creation from the Iron Chef Final