Sexual Health

All teens deserve support that allows them to make informed and autonomous decisions about their sexuality and reproductive health. SRCS Health & Wellness affirms and supports California state law that allows youth to access to confidential, comprehensive reproductive health services.

SRCS Health & Wellness wants you to be the healthiest possible you! Your sexual and reproductive health is an integral part of your well-being. We have compiled the following local resources and educational materials so that you have the power and knowledge to make fully informed decisions about your sexual and reproductive health. 

If you have any questions about the sexual and reproductive health resources in your area or about the information covered here, please come to the Wellness Center and ask. Wellness is here to confidentially support your health, safety, and well-being. 

Wellness can also help connect you with free sexual health clinics that provide:

Local Sexual Health Clinics

Services and supplies available at Teen Tuesday Clinic include:

Text (415) 919-7665 to reserve your spot!

Services available at Planned Parenthood- San Rafael

Looking for more information on topics like consent, safer sex, and STI testing and prevention? 

Check out Planned Parenthood's YouTube channel for videos on talking about sexual health such as Consent 101 and talking about safer sex, testing, and STIs.