Stress Less
@ SRHS/Madrone & TLHS

The week before finals the Wellness Center will put on Stress Less! Throughout the week at brunch & lunch we promote activities that focus on gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness; three key ideas that are tied to our mental health and wellbeing! In Winter, students "Shop for Self-Care" and choose from various items such as face masks, journals, fidgets, pimple patches, and an aromatherapy station. In Spring, they enjoy planting succulents, and write letters of gratitude and practice self-affirmation.

Site-Based Coordination of Services Team (COST)
@ TLHS - Thursdays @ 9-10 AM   |  @ SRHS - Wednesdays @ 2 - 3 PM

A COST is a multidisciplinary team of school staff and providers who:

-- Create a regular forum for reviewing the needs of individual students and the school overall.
-- Collaborate on linking referred students to resources and interventions.
-- Support students’ academic success and healthy development.

COST strives to connect students with the necessary support and resources to ensure they come to school every day, are in good health, are performing well academically, and are developing the social/emotional skills necessary to be successful in school and life. COST accepts referrals from teachers, staff, and families to discuss and provide additional support for students who are struggling to achieve in school. Please contact your student's School Counselor (TLHS | SRHS | Madrone) to request a referral to the COST! 

Suicide Prevention Awareness x Kognito Friend2Friend 

This 30 minute virtual simulation teaches high school-aged students how to build awareness, knowledge, and skills around emotional and mental wellness. These conversation practices prepare students to recognize signs of distress in their friends and peers, giving them the tools and courage to reach out for support. Curious? Click here for a sample run through of a digital vignette. This virutal simulation program will be provided to all 9th graders during Health classes. A short survey will also be provided following the unit, to explore if the student would like to talk to a mental health staff, or if they would like to recommend that a friend talk to the staff.  


Charlas is a weekly support group led by Huckleberry Youth Programs for Spanish-speaking Newcomer students at Terra Linda High School. This group meets during tutorials on Fridays. The groups are facilitated by bilingual and bicultural therapists and HYP health education and college access staff. Topics for Charlas include life skills, acculturation, communication, family reunification, trauma and healing, healthy choices and academic pathways, and acting as a link to accessing further mental health services. The 2023 Fall session will focus on male-identifying students and the Spring session will focus on female-identifying students. For more information, please reach out to Marta Posada, ELD Counselor @ TLHS OR Ana Urtiz, ELD Counselor @ SRHS.