Aeries Parent Portal Instructions

Aeries Parent Portal Instructions

Parent Portal

Welcome to the SRA Aeries Parent Portal! For new accounts, please visit and follow the instructions to get signed in:

Step #1: Set a Password

If you’ve never signed in before, you’re going to have to set a password. Start by clicking the ‘Forgot Password?’ link in the bottom left hand side.

Step #2: Enter Your Email Address

Enter the email address you have on file with the school. This is the same parent/guardian email you used in Illuminate. A temporary code will be emailed to you. Please note, if you do not receive an email then your contact info needs to be updated by the enrollment. Email with the updated email account.

Step #3: Enter the Verification Code

If you entered the correct email, an email verification will be emailed to you. Copy the code and enter your email address along with the code in the following window:

Step #4: Set A New Password

Finally, set a new password for your portal account. This password must be at least 8 characters long.

That’s it! Again, if you run into any problems we likely do not have up to date contact information for you. If you run into problems, please email and request your contact information be updated in Aeries.