Teacher Resources 

End of year classroom activities

Got a tech issue?

Help tickets

Before filling out a HELP TICKET, have you checked out some common fixes for your MacBook?

When sending an email to the HELP DESK please be as specific as possible and provide all necesary detailslink (staff only) for issues with:


Click here for directions to Install Papercut (For Macbooks). (You must be on the SPSD wifi to install Papercut)

Common Papercut errors and fixes:

Pro tip: Bring your laptop with you when are releasing your print jobs at the printer, that way if you have to resend a print job you have your laptop with you to do so.

Tech Resources

Infinite Campus

If you are having issues logging in to IC, try these steps. If the issue persists after completing the steps, or you do not know your IC login information, please email help@spsdme.org

Check here for resources to support ESOL students in our building. Have a resource to share? Please send it along and I'll add it to this page for one-stop shopping :-)

Video Streaming

Plan to show a video in class? 

Check out my video streaming page that includes copyright and technical tips.

What is chatgpt?

This video provides an overall explanation of ChatGPT. For more information on using it in the classroom go to the ChatGPT in Education page

Managing your Airdrop Settings

Airdrop is an Apple tool that can be a convenient way to share files between devices. However, like many tools, people can choose to use them irresponsibly. 

To help you or your students avoid unwanted files being shared to their mobile devices, make it a habit to have Airdrop turned off on devices except during the times when needed in class. 

Below are 3 videos below to walk you through managing Airdrop settings.

Airdrop - Mac

Airdrop - iPAd

Airdrop -  iPhone

New to SPHS? 

This slideshow includes tech information for all new teachers and ed techs. Welcome to SPHS!

New Teacher Tech Handbook - SPHS

Digital Toolbox

Use the Toolbox page as a start off point for resources for your classes. Whether we are in green, yellow or red, you will find helpful tools here to engage students.

Best practice tip: choose one or two tools and go deeper with them, rather than trying to manage many tools at once.

E-mail management

Overwhelmed by email? This slideshow give 7 tips for using management and automation features in Gmail to save time and improve organization & efficiency.

email management tips

Back up Your Mac

There are options teachers can use to back up their Macbook. We recommend that you backup your work to your spsdme.org Google Drive account. However, you should choose the option that works best for you. It is your responsibility to make sure that your files were backed up correctly and that you can open them in the new location. 

Click here for directions on backing up your Macbook

FAQ info...

Google Classroom - common questions 

1. Students can't attach files or file does not fully finish attaching

The fast route to attach files is by working in a Google Doc or Notability and sending directly to Google Classroom, however, this has been glitchy... especially later in the day. The workaround is for kids to go the long way... open Classroom and navigate to Drive to find the file. I have also spoken with a few students who were not able to attach files in the evening, but the next morning it worked fine. Try these solutions first with students and if no luck, have them email me.

2. Students can't see some of the assignments posted in Google Classroom.

We have had some success with removing the student from Google Classroom and providing them the code to re-enroll for this issue. This is a workaround for now and we will continue to try to find more permanent solutions.

3. Students get "file not found" while trying to open an attachment to an assignment.

This is a new one :-) The issue seems to be tied to the Google Classroom App because it works fine on a laptop. We are still working on finding a solution and or workaround for now... stay tuned.

4. Google classroom - Finding assignments

Sarah Glatz has put together this helpful tip sheet for students. Please feel free to post it or send it to your students to help them navigate Google Classroom and easily find their assignments. - Thank you, Sarah!

5. Use a direct link to a Google Classroom assignment

If you are trying to point a student to a specific assignment in Google Classroom, you can:

6. Organizational Strategies

Everybody organizes their Google Classroom a little differently... but take a minute to watch how Sarah Glatz organizes hers... she has some great practical tips! You may already use these strategies if you are experienced with Google Classroom, but it is definitely worth a watch, especially if you are new to Classroom. Watch the video here:  Google Classroom Organization Tips

7. Archive your old classes: Old Classroom groups from last year still show up on their Calendars which just confuses some. The easiest way to eliminate this is for each of us to archive those old classes. That keeps old classes in your Classroom stuff but makes them inactive as they should be. They can be accessed under the archive section if you want to get an assignment from prior use. 

Here's how:

Is Google down?

I always go to the site Down Detector when things are not working quite right - it lets me know that it isn't just me :-)

Students with damaged devices

If a student has a broken device, they should email Mrs. Davies to schedule a time to swap it out with a working one. As a district we undertsand that accidental damage happens so we have purchased Apple Care for all student iPads to minimize the cost of repair for families. The following is the breakdown of damage fees: