SHS Summer School


2023 SHS Summer School Enrollment Form

(All students received an email invitation to complete this form. The form is only open to Spokane student email addresses. Please have your student complete and submit the form.)

Morning Session

8:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Afternoon Session

12:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Launch Information

Credit Recovery Information

Summer School Credit Recovery allows students who have failed courses during the school year to address work and grade deficiencies, with the goal of achieving a passing grade and earning credit for the course. Starting on June 7th, students participating in summer credit recovery are required to attend class in person until they earn a satisfactory grade in the required course(s) or until June 30th, whichever comes first.

Students needing to take a  credit recovery course(s) this summer will need to stop by the counseling office and pick up the Credit Recovery Course Enrollment Form. This form must be signed by the school counselor and a parent/guardian.

For more information contact:  

Mrs. Tonya Nash, School Counselor 

* Course offerings are based on student interest. Courses without the prerequisite number of student enrollments will not be offered during summer school.