Measurements And Properties

  • When did we start doing it?
  • Why did we starting doing it?

Start at 1:32

Record the following in your notes and use a piece of graph paper for the drawing. Everyone must do their own!

  1. Measure the masses. Which unit of measurement, grams or kilograms, is appropriate for our everyday lives? Why (think about the video)?
  2. Measure the table. Which unit of measurement, centimeters, meters, or kilometers, is appropriate for our everyday lives? Why (think about the video)?
  3. Now drop the ball from any height and time it. How long does it take? Walk across the room and time it. How long does it take? Which unit of measurement, seconds, minutes, or hours, is appropriate for our everyday lives? Why (think about the video)?
  4. On your piece of graph paper, measure and draw a ramp from the side. Start by taking it over a certain amount of blocks, and then go up a certain amount of blocks. Connect a line to make a ramp. Each person should have a ramp of different size.
    1. Your homework is to discover and explain how and why the measurement works in reality. You will come up in your groups and present it to me only. Expect me to question you.