Centripetal Forces and G-Forces


A "g-force" would refers to any multiple of 9.8m/s^2 of centripetal acceleration.  If you accelerate at 19.6m/s^2, then you experience "2 G's".  Pilots and astronauts are tested on a machine called Centrifuge.  In this machine, people are placed on their backs and revolve around an axis.  Below are images of the machine.  Since the blood in your body wants to go off on a tangent, it will flow to the feet of the people and pool in their feet.  When they pass out from lack of blood to the brain, the process is called "G-Loc" or G-force induced loss of consciousness.  Watch the video below and then answer the questions on your paper.

Centrifuge Training.mp4

"G-forces" Can Also Be Linear-His Bleeding Eyes  

Anytime you accelerate to increase or decrease velocity, you experience forces.  Before people could go into space, we had to figure out how much force a human could handle.  John Paul Stapp M.D., Ph.D., was an American career U.S. Air Force officer, flight surgeon, physician, biophysicist, and pioneer in studying the effects of acceleration and deceleration forces on humans.

He put himself to the test on a rocket sled.  Watch the video below and answer the questions on your sheet.

Making Zero G's

Watch the next video series on creating zero G's and then answer the questions on your sheet.

What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us  

Merry-go-rounds can be deadly or dangerous.  The equation of centripetal force shows that when you double acceleration, you quadruple the forces.  This is because of the "v^2".

Just as the inside of your body can experience forces, so can the inside of your body. The first video shows what happens to a CD when it experiences to great of a force.  The second video are fails that occur when someone doesn't take the time to learn and is given machines that they don't understand.  Watch the video and answer the questions.