Tips & Tricks


Filters can be used to automatically move and organize messages.

1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Gmail search box. Enter your desired search criteria and select "create filter with this search."

2. Select what you would like to do with these message (see options to left).

Filtering Suggestions:

  • Make sure your search is very specific, especially if your are auto-archiving or deleting. You don't wan't to catch the wrong email!
  • Use a message as a filter by clicking on the "more" button and selecting "filter messages like this."
  • Be careful of apply too many auto label filters.
  • If you are getting so many messages that you have to auto label them, perhaps you should consider reducing your email volume (unsubscribe from those unwanted newsletters!).

Manage your To-Do List

Frequently an email message contains a task or a project that you need to schedule or add to your to-do list. Gmail Task integration makes this a very simple process.

1. Open an email that needs to be added to your to-do list.

2. Click the "more" button above the message and select "add to task."

3. The Gmail task pane will open and the email subject will be added to your default list. Customize as needed.

Task Tips:

  • Giving a task a due date will add that task to your Google Calendar.
  • You can create multiple lists.
  • There are several apps and extensions that makes accessing Google tasks very easy.

Google Task on iOS: GoTask

Google Task on Android: Tasks

Google Task extension for Chrome

Gmail and Calendar

Frequently messages in our inbox refer to appointments or we have the need to schedule a meeting through an email. Both can be done directly in Gmail.

Create an event from a message you receive.

1. Open the email message.

2. Select the "more" option above the message and click on "create event".