Google Voice

Google Voice and Hangouts are Google services that provide support for chat messages, SMS, voice, and video calling. Classroom teachers can use both Voice and Hangouts to communicate with both students and parents outside of the school day.

Google Hangouts

Hangouts is the Google voice and video conferencing platform. Hangouts are integrated into Gmail and Google+ and provide a simple way to connect with others.

Google recently announced that Google Voice will be combined with Google Hangouts to provide a single platform for voice, SMS, and video conferencing.

Turn any Hangout into a live video call with up to 15 friends or simply search for a contact to start a voice call from your computer.

Classroom Applications for Google Voice:

Preserve your privacy be creating a Google Voice number to give out to your students and their families. At the end of the year, de-activate the account.

ESL students or students in speech therapy can use Google Voice to practice their diction. The more accurately they pronounce the English words, the more likely the transcription program will correctly transcribe it into text!

Use Google voice to record mp3 files that you can share with students. You could even read books aloud for students who struggle with reading.

Include a "call me" widget in your blog or wiki for students to leave questions for you. Calls can be sent directly to voice mail and you can respond to them as you wish.

Record custom greetings for parents. You could even leave a recorded message each week updating them on classroom events and important dates.

  1. 1. Call from Gmail. Connect your Google Chat account to Google Voice. You will be able to send and receive calls and SMS messages from within Gmail. To do so, login to Google Voice, click "settings" and check the box labeled as "Google Chat"
  2. Block Annoying People. Someone calling that you would prefer not to talk to? Log in to your account, find their latest call, select the "more" pull down and click "block caller". From this point forward, whenever this number calls, they will receive a "number disconnected" message.
  3. Custom Call Widget! Create a custom calling widget for your blog or website. When a user enters their phone number Google will call their phone. They will then be connected with you or directed to a custom voicemail message. Example:
  4. Screen your calls. Remember old-school answering machines? My family used to listen to the message before we picked up the call. You can do the same thing! When a call comes in when I am within Gmail I can click "screen" to listen to the message being left for me. If I want, I can pick up the call.
  5. Custom Greeting. Google Voice integrates with your Gmail address book. Groups that you create in Gmail are populated into your Google Voice address book. You can then easily create filters to, say always send calls from the office to voice mail after 5pm or set calls from your immediate family to ring all of your phones simultaneously.
  6. Text on from your iPad! Google voice has an iOS app that can be used to view messages and send text messages. You can use the iOS app on your iPad or iPod Touch. It doesn’t have to be a phone!
  7. Personal Transcriptionist. On the road? Need to compose an email? Use Google Voice as your personal transcriptionist. Call yourself and start talking. Your voice mail message will be transcribed and emailed to you. Copy and paste the text, correct the errors in the transcription, and you're done!
  8. Podcaster! Use Google Voice to create audio podcasts. Simply call yourself and leave a voicemail message. Later, log in to your account, find the message, click "more" and then "download message." An mp3 file will be created that you can then add to iTunes or any other podcasting service. Keep in mind that the recording will be dependent upon the clarity of the call connection and the quality of your cell phone. I would recommend using a headset when recording calls.
  9. Don't Forget! Add notes to a voice mail indicating follow up tasks, reminders, etc. This would be a great feature for anyone in sales who makes a lot of phone calls. Keep track of when you called, who you talked to and what you promised.
  10. Never miss a call! A lot of your friends/family already have your mobile or work numbers. If you don't pick up when they call one of your personal lines, you can tell Google Voice to forward the call to all of your other phones. For example, your mom calls your cell phone which you left at home. When you don't answer it first rings your office phone before sending mom to your voice mail. To enable this feature login to your Google Voice account and go to settings -> phones -> select "edit" on the number you wish to enable this feature for -> "show advanced settings" -> "forwarding options" (at the very bottom).