
Mentorship Program

Adam Creager

Mentorship Committee Mission Statement

The purpose of the Iowa Bandmaster’s Association Mentorship committee is to facilitate a positive and successful experience for first year and new to Iowa Band Directors through the benefit of mentors.


1. To identify first year and new to Iowa band directors

2. To assign local experienced band directors as mentors for first year and new to Iowa band directors.

3. To assign Iowa Bandmasters Association of Retired Directors (IBARD) to first and second year band directors if requested. IBARD mentors, through the Iowa Association of Arts Educators (IAAE) and Department of Education (DOE) grant, are allowed four visits (two for second year teachers) per mentee to assist in many different capacities such as:

a. Observe and offer suggestions

b. Devise a scheduling plan for a successful band curriculum

c. Discuss quality band literature

d. Assist in rehearsals

e. Assist in a capacity designed by the first year band director

4. To organize, promote and facilitate the instrumental portion of the New Director’s Fall Symposium Workshop. Open the flyer for Symposium Topics and Schedule.

Our mentorship program is here to help new directors (or directors new to SEIBA) in the Southeast District of Iowa. We do this by matching new (first and/or second year) directors with an experienced or retired director as a mentor to help them throughout the year in a variety of ways. This help might include deadline reminders, suggestions on literature, ideas for rehearsals and performances, introducing them to other directors, or making helpful music contacts in Southeast Iowa and beyond. Many times the mentor simply serves as a sounding board, but a sounding board that understands and many times has experienced similar situations.

If you (or a director you know) would like to be a mentor or needs a mentor, please contact Adam Creager or John Smith We have had a great deal of success with our program these past few years with many of our mentors and new directors contacting each other via e-mail and phone as well as visits to their schools. We encourage meeting face to face and attending many SEIBA, IBA and other band events/festivals throughout the year. The more events a director attends, the more they can meet with other directors and have a variety of experiences that provides valuable information when deciding the future of their band program. Being involved outside of our schools helps create necessary networks to keep the future of our new directors, music programs, and music education strong and successful.

The mentorship program provides financial reimbursement for retired directors to visit schools that employ first/second year directors. These one on one visits are important to physically see the rooms, schedules, and set up the directors are working in. This portion of our program has been a tremendous success and we hope many more new directors will take advantage of this valuable resource.

The Fall Symposium held on the campus of Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge each Fall is a day-long workshop designed specifically for new and first/second year directors. Sessions include “How I Survived My First Year” to a round-table discussion amongst new, experienced and retired band directors, to IHSMA’s Al Greiner discussing the rules and regulations pertinent to band directors.

The Spring Iowa Bandmasters Convention is a valuable tool for all band directors, but also offers a ‘first-year’ track for new directors. The concerts and workshop sessions provide valuable information and refreshing ideas for the classroom. Grants up to $250 each are available for first year directors to help cover the cost of attending the IBA convention.