March 30th - April 3rd

Date: March 30th

Please read Chapter 16 from the Science Book (click on button below) and complete the questions at the end of the chapter on a google doc. Submit your work in the "Remote Learning" section of Google Classroom for the "Chapter 16" assignment. Due by March 31st.

Remote Learning Lesson: Particle Movement and Temperature

Date: Thursday, April 2nd

Please Click on the image to the left to view your Science activity for the day. During this lesson, you will be using Google Classroom and Screencastfy. You will need to submit your completed work on Google Classroom in the appropriate Remote Learning Assignment section.

You may use the science book linked below for reference and help where needed!

Date: Friday, April 3rd

Please follow the link below to watch the YouTube video I created explaining the next section of your Shark Tank Project Report. Have you project report ready! (Shark Tank STEMFest section on Google Classroom)

Click HERE to Watch Video!