April 13th - April 17th

Monday, April 13th

No school today! Enjoy your day!

Remote Learning Lesson_ Reading Chemical Formulas.pdf

Tuesday, April 14th

Please Click on the image to the left to view your Science activity for the day. During this lesson, you will be using YouTube and filling out a Google Form. You will also need your science notebook!

You may use the science book linked below for reference and help where needed!

Remote Learning Lesson_ Consuming Chemicals.pdf

Wednesday, April 15th

Please Click on the image to the left to view your Science activity for the day. During this lesson, you will be using YouTube, checking out a website, and taking a photo!

You may use the science book linked below for reference and help IF needed!

Remote Learning Lesson_ Compound Vs Mixture Vs Element.pdf

Thursday, April 16th

Please Click on the image to the left to view your Science activity for the day. During this lesson, you will be using your science notebook, playing on online lab game, and taking a screenshot!

You may use the science book linked below for reference and help IF needed!

Friday, April 17th

Please join my ZOOM meeting about Shark Tank STEMFest at 11:00am on this date.

I will be offering key information on how we will continue with our projects as well as be available for your questions!

If you miss the meeting, I will be giving a link out later that highlights all important information - but it is better if you can make it!

ZOOM Meeting Information:

  • Meeting ID: 996-9588-2272

  • Meeting Password: 9AH4RG

Below are some helpful links: