Debt  Issuance - SAVE & General Obligation

General Obligation Bonds

On September 9, 2014, voters of the District approved Public Measure B with 71% voting YES. "Shall the Board of Directors of the Solon Community School District in the Counties of Johnson and Linn, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $25,500,000 to provide funds to construct, building, furnish, and equipment a new middle school building and improve the site; and to construct, build, furnish and equip additions to the existing high school, including a performing arts center and to remodel, repair, improve, furnish and equip a portion of the existing high school building, and to improve the sites?

The measure was funded the sale of bonds in the following manner:  First issue (Series 2014) $9,685,000, Second issue (Series 2015) and Third issue $6,210,000 (Series 2016).

On March 7, 2023, the voters approved a Public Measure to authorize the District to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $25,500,000. The funds will be used to construct, furnish, and equip and addition to the Solon Intermediate School and improve the site; renovate, remodel, improve, repair, furnish and equip Lakeview Elementary and improve the site; renovate, remodel, improve, repair, furnish, and equip the Transportation Center; construct, furnish, and equip a new Administrative Building and improve the site; construct, furnish, and equip a new multi-purpose indoor activity facility and improve the site; and install a new field at Spartan Stadium.  Voters also approved renewal of the Physical Plant & Equipment Levy (PPEL) and the Revenue Purpose Statement (for SAVE).  

First issuance of bonds in relation to the March 2023 election was $3,470,000 in GO bonds, referred to as Solon CSD, General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023.  Corresponding data to the sale can be found on the Solon School Board minutes for 06/01/23.

Second issuance of bonds in relation to the March 2023 election are anticipated to be $9,995,000 in GO bonds, referred to as Solon CSD, General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024 (6/17/24).  Initial Resolution for Issuance of Not to exceed $22,030,000 General Obligation School Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof on the 1/28/24 BOE agenda.

SAVE Revenue Bonds

April 2010 - District issued $5,905,000 in SAVE Revenue Bonds. Funds were used to remodel the old middle school (HVAC & window replacement) and classroom additions/remodeling at Lakeview Elementary.

April 2012 - District issued $1,938,000 in SAVE Revenue Bonds and issued was refunded in 2017 (2017A SAVE Refunding) with obligations met in July 2023.  Original issue was used to complete Spartan Stadium.

2017 - District issued $10,000,000 in SAVE Revenue Bonds (2017B Series).  Funds used to construct SIS (Solon Intermediate School) which houses grades 4 & 5 and opened in Fall 2018.