How to write a resumé

What is a resumé?

A resumé is a summary of your personal information, education, and any jobs or volunteer experience you have had. When applying for a job you will use your resumé to show future employers that you're qualified for the job.

As a high school student your resumé does not have to be perfect, and it will not be. Your experience is limited because of your age so do the best you can and know that entry-level employers will be understanding! 

Think of the experiences you have had that make you unique and that show valuable skills. These valuable skills are often referred to as "transferrable skills." Ask yourself, "What things have I learned how to do that can be applied in the context of the job I am applying for?"

When first creating a resumé it is best to begin with a template. See an example below. You can find easy to download templates here.

Here's an example of a resumé template:

How do I even start to write a resumé

Many students will start by creating a Brag Sheet! A Brag Sheet is a list of your accomplishments and skills. Many students also choose to share this document with their mentors, teachers, and supporters to frame recommendation letters. In general, starting with a brag sheet helps you organize your job experience, volunteer experience, and achievements in one place. Here's a downloadable example of a Brag Sheet from our friends at Clarke Central High School.

You can also start by utilizing online resources for resumé creation. The University of Georgia's Career Center has their Career Guide posted publicly online for UGA students to use, but we have found that high school Seniors benefit from it as well. Check out pages 27-32 for their resumé section we find the most helpful! You can view more UGA Career Guides and helpful information on the UGA Career Center's Website:

What's next?

Once you've created your first resumé draft, have a trusted adult review it for you! Send it to your college adviser, a teacher, and maybe even a parent. After you've let at least 2 people review it, put it through a spell check, and submit it!

You may also want to explore resumé workshop options at your school or around your community for additional support. Your college adviser or school counselor would also be happy to assist you with working on this document!