Customized and Student-Driven Learning

What does "Customized Learning" mean?

Customized Learning means that each student can choose which classes to take and when. It means students can choose to learn in a way that works best for them and at a pace that works best for them. If a student needs to focus on one class at a time, that works! If a student wants to graduate early, we can help them design a path that meets that need. If a student wants to earn a certificate before graduating we can help there too.

What does "Student-Driven" mean?

Students drive their education bus. They decide what route to take, how fast to go, when to turn, when to take a detour, etc. At SROHS, education is not a one size fits all approach. It is tailored to meet the individual needs of every learner. 

"SROHS does a good job at giving students the option to be involved with the SROHS community and gives the students opportunities to be social and meet new people." 

Student 2023

Student Testimonials