Week 5 - September 11, 2023


9/11-15: Garden Week! Volunteer Sign Up

9/15: Room Parent Meeting

9/15: PJ DJ Day! School Spirit Day, students are invited to wear pajamas and have a dance party to celebrate reaching our half way goal for Cash4Kids.

9/22: Family Movie Night (Free event sponsored by the PTO!)

9/ 26: Fall Picture Day

9/29: Flag Salute

Running Club has begun!

Calling all runners for our SEES Running club! Running club is for grades 1-5 and will take place on Wednesday mornings on the field from 8:15-8:40. Students do not need to sign up. When students report to running club for the first time, they will make a running card. Students will track their miles on their card every week and earn wristbands for hitting running milestones.

Some students already completed their first mile this week!

Parents, if you would like to volunteer for running club please email me at tamara.miller@smusd.org.

We are so excited to participate in Garden Week this week! We will be planting, weeding, harvesting, and composting. On Friday, we will have an in class lesson about 'eating a rainbow' with the focus on red fruits and vegetables. We'll be able to have some fun tasting various types of tomatoes. 

Knowing our focus on tomatoes, I planted some cherry tomato plants outside our classroom. They are just starting to bloom, so it will be great to watch the tomatoes appear and ripen in the next few weeks. 

If anyone has 1 or 2 small tomato support cages that we could borrow for a few weeks, that would be awesome. They are getting to the size that they will be needed soon. 

I've also applied for our class to be a part of a seed growing research project connected with the International Space Station. We'll plant tomato seeds this spring where half the seeds have spent weeks in space on the ISS, and the other half have stayed on earth. Our results, along with those of other student projects, will help scientists as they plan for long term human space travel. 

Tomato Plants in our garden box

These are the plants in need of some tomato cages for a few weeks. If you have a couple around the house, we'd love to borrow them.

We Met Our Little Buddies!

3rd graders are very excited as this is the first year they get to be the BIG BUDDIES! This year we are teaming up with Mrs. Guzman's TK class  AND Mrs. Rodriguez primary Special Education class. We will alternate between the two groups and try getting everyone together a few times this year. 

We started out by getting together and getting to know our buddies a little and creating a book about each other. Our students were amazing and so patient and fun with their little buddies! I'm excited about our activities this year!

(A couple kids were absent so we will meet the other little buddies in our next activity time.)

Homework - Week of 9/11 - Math and Spelling pages attached in case they get lost

Homework 9/11/23

Typing Programs

I was asked by one of our students for a typing program so they could practice and improve their typing. One program several classes have enjoyed is called Nitro Type. The kids can practice and challenge themselves and compete with their friends in typing races.

Another program that teaches the correct finder placement, and has a fun British cow narrator, is called Dance Mat Typing

 I've added links to these programs in their Classlink and they can use this in class and at home. 

Music News