Year 7

Finding Your Voice and Notation and Keyboard Skills Part 1

In the first few weeks we will be focusing on singing and finding our voice as this will be a staple of music education here at Smithdon. We will start with a simple song and start moving into rounds and partner songs with 3-4 parts.

Additionally in this tome you will get an introduction to music notation looking at the treble clef and will also start score reading. This will also be when we introduce out first instrument the piano, looking at correct hand positions and performing melodies on the keyboard

The Orchestra

Throughout this unit we look at the instruments that you find within a traditional orchestra. We will explore how these instruments and the different sounds that they create.

We will also be looking at how composers write for the orchestra using the different elements of music.

Folk Songs and an Introduction to the Ukulele

We now move to our next musical instruments which will be the Ukulele.

Here you are going to learn how to play chords and start to develop our understanding of harmony

We are also going to work together on a class performance of Folk Music.

In this time we will also explore what folk music actually is.

Music Technology - Remixing J.S. Bach

We are now going to mover further in the most and look at the life of J.S. Bach, one of the most prolific composers of all time.

While doing this we are going to look at some of the more modern aspects of music and introduce you to Cubase, a piece of DAW software where you will get the opportunity to remix Bach's "Toccata in D Minor"

End of Year Project

We will end the year my working on an end of year project that will tie together a multitude of the skills learned throughout the year and apply them on this one project.