
Gimkit enhances my formative assessment by making it collaborative and adding an element of critical thinking. Students love strategizing while engaging with the content. I have used the free version to make an assessment that we have used in class. I'd be happy to share and show of the results of my Gimkit with others.

Blogpost on Gimkit

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I use Quizlet to provide differentiated practice for my students both in and out of class by creating study sets and pushing out links to the study sets on my website or Google Classroom. However, it doesn't stop there. With the same study set, we combine technology with collaboration, teamwork and perseverance in class with Quizlet Live. This formative assessment gives me the data I need to effectively plan future lessons based on the needs of my students.

BlogPost on Quizlet Live

Teacher Quick Start Guide

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I make my class high-tech with just a piece of paper and my mobile device! I collect data on what my students know with Plickers, then gauge my instruction accordingly. I would be happy to show someone how they can set up this free app, print out the Plicker cards and get started tomorrow with a question set. Sometimes you just don't need the complexity of turning on 30 devices. I can collect all my students' answers with one picture.

Plickers Tutorial Video

6 ways to use Plickers in the Classroom

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Learning is a Kahoot! in my room. We gamify reviews keeping all engaged. The results of this gamified-formative assessment, drive my future instruction and remediation. I can play live in-class, or assign it for homework. Another idea is to have a student-created Kahoot. I would be happy to show a colleague the numerous searchable Kahoots that are available for you to copy and remix to fit your needs. Have you heard about the new challenge version?

Blogpost on Kahoot

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By replacing my old presentations with Nearpod interactive presentations I can keep my entire class engaged while gathering valuable data. Each student has the presentation on his/her device and can participate in the activities I design. No more only having one person come to the board! Everyone is held accountable. I can use responses anonymously as examples for further instruction. If I have a badge hanging by my door, stop by and ask me about how you can get started with Nearpod.

Nearpod How-to

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I love building assignments with . It can be as simple as a auto-graded quiz or as complex as an entire lesson with embedded content and assessment. They are easy to put together and quick to deploy. I would be happy to show my co-workers what I have done already with this tech tool.

How to build a Formative

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