SMAC Speech Services Attendance Policy

Progress toward your child's speech goals depends on regular attendance to speech services.

1. After the first missed session - from remote therapy or preschool on a “speech day” - the

SLP will begin sending a regular email/text/phone call reminder to the parent.

2. After the second missed session, the SLP will ask the family if they would like to change the

schedule to a day/time that would work better for them, cc-ing the case manager on these

communications and noting in the Communication Log in CINC.

3. After the third missed session, the SLP will initiate a joint conversation with the case manager

and family about the obstacles to attendance and whether there may be any other CDS-based

services that could be added to the IEP to support the child’s attendance (transportation, social

work, etc.).

4. If 2 weeks of service are missed despite all support offered, SMAC reserves the right to

decline the referral. Exceptions can be made in cases of illness, emergency, etc..