
Brian Sholl, Ph.D. |

PD and Meetup Dates

Fall Semester: September 18, 2023, 3-5 pm, Zoom

Spring Semester: January 22, 2024, 3-5 pm, Zoom

Grading and Assessment Policies

What to Expect for Site Visits

1818 Classroom Visit Report form 

Site visits begin with scheduling the date that the liaison will observe your course. Typically, they will ask for the materials and readings for that day. The liaison and the instructor  will meet at some point before the course meeting to go over the process. The liaison will observe your course on the scheduled day, and there will be a scheduled recap meeting soon after. Once those steps are over, you will receive comments on a Site Visit Form. This will include strategies for improving your classroom interactions.

Discipline-Specific Grading & Assessment Policies AY23-24