
Paul Jelliss, Ph.D. |

Syllabus Templates & Submission Link

*Updated for the 24/25 Academic Year

The General Chemistry sequence at SLU comprises two sets of one-semester courses, with lecture and lab offered as separate 3- and 1-credit hour courses, respectively. Students normally enroll separately in both lecture and lab courses. Please note that because lecture and lab are administratively distinct courses on campus, separate syllabi must be prepared and disseminated for 1818 high school courses also. Much of the required information has been included in the templates available for download below; once downloaded, they can be edited by individual 1818 teachers and saved as Word files (and ultimately as PDF files for dissemination to your students). Please pay careful attention to instructions highlighted in the body of the document (green-highlighted text will be deleted, yellow-highlighted text replaced by information specific to your class), as well as informational comments viewable on the side of the document, which should also all be deleted from your final syllabi (note: the side comments are not viewable in the online webpage; they can only be viewed in the downloaded file once opened in Word). So that you can clearly see these side comments, PDF's of the templates are also available.

First Semester

Second Semester

Syllabi Upload

Please upload separate draft syllabi to DualEnroll by the following deadlines:

Caution: your course sections will only be opened for student enrollment if syllabi have been liaison-approved!

Notes on common syllabi errors

Assessment Protocol & Instructions for Question Pools

* Not Yet Updated for the 24/25 Academic Year

Assessment of learning objectives is carried out annually for CHEM 1110 and CHEM 1120 lecture courses. Specific instructions are provided in each course document, but the general objective is to select a minimum of 25 questions from the provided course pool based on a recent set of on-campus exams. Teachers will embed these questions in semester quizzes, tests, and/or a semester final exam and record student performance in a provided spreadsheet. These student results should be submitted at the end of the school year.

Note: The only documents provided below are the Instructions documents (no questions) and the Results Spreadsheet files to be completed by 1818 teachers and submitted. The complete instructions with exam questions and answer key files will only be emailed directly to active teachers at the beginning of each academic year.

First Semester CHEM 1110 Lecture Course

Second Semester CHEM 1120 Lecture Course

Spreadsheet Results & Graded Student Work Sample Submission

Please upload your completed results spreadsheets in addition to a single (scanned) example of graded student work here by 5 June each year.

On-Campus Syllabi

The following are syllabi from actual on-campus lecture and lab courses administered within the last 1-2 years.

First Semester Courses

Second Semester Courses

On-Campus Sample Exams

The following exams from the 22/23 academic year are shared in order to provide an idea of exam scope and complexity. Chapters indicated are from the on-campus course text (Silberberg & Amateis: The Molecular Nature of Matter & Change). For each course, four exams are given during the semester. We use the ACS standardized test (General Chemistry Exam - 1st term and 2nd term for CHEM 1110 and CHEM 1120, respectively) for our final exam for both courses and thus cannot publish examples here. Teachers interested in viewing sample/practice questions can obtain the ACS Study Guide.

CHEM 1110 (General Chemistry 1)

CHEM 1120 (General Chemistry 2)

PD and Meetup Dates

Pre-Academic Year Meeting and Professional Development, Summer 2024

Tuesday 30 July, 1:00-4:15pm

Agenda TBA