
Martin Nikolo, Ph.D. |

David Wisbey, Ph.D. |

PD and Meetup Dates

We will meet on March 29th or April 12th in person. Please let David Wisbey ( know which date works for you. We will share exams and our favorite labs and talk about effective teaching methods in the classroom. We will also discuss textbooks and online learning platforms. 

Physics Teaching Resources

Phet simulations are a great way to do experiments virtually. PHET
Physics Classroom, free online physics experiments
Physics Aviary, free online physics experiments.
Hyperphysics, this is an amazing free resource that is invaluable in physics.

Syllabus Template(s) & Submission Link

Syllabi for any Saint Louis University are required to meet a required the following check list. 

Does the syllabus meet the following requirements.


Clearly identify the course as a SLU 1818 Program dual credit course for which college credit may be earned?                            

Include SLU’s dates/periods for course registration?                         

Include the following course descriptors?

-SLU course title 

-number of SLU credits to be earned upon successful completion

-official SLU catalog course description

-pre-requisites and concurrent enrollment requirements                             

Include the official, common SLU course student learning outcomes (SLOs) and CORE statements (if applicable)?                                   

Include required textbooks and/or other instructional materials (including web resources) consistent with those used in non-1818 sections of the same course?                          

List assignments on which students will be evaluated (e.g., exams, projects, essays, participation, presentations, etc.)?                          

Include student evaluation and grading policies and practices (including grading scale) consistent with SLU's expectations?


Include policies on late or missing work/exams and attendance/tardiness?                        

Contain all SLU-required syllabus statements found at these links?

Academic Honesty/Integrity

Disability Accommodations

Title IX


Excludes all NACEP logos and statements                              

Include common assignments and assessments with content designed to foster and evidence student achievement of specific course SLOs and University CORE?                    

Syllabi College Physics: 

College Physics 1220 (PHYS 1220)
College Phyiscs 1240 (PHYS 1240)

Syllabi College Physics Lab:

College Physics Lab 1235 (PHYS 1235)
College Physics Lab 1255 (PHYS 1255)

What to Expect for Site Visits

Generally, a liaison will arrange a meeting time to visit your class. We will arrive at the specified time and observe a class. Ideally, this will be done throughout the school year. If you have a preference, please contact your liaison. Times should be set up individually with the SLU liaisons.

Discipline-Specific Grading & Assessment Policies AY 23-24