R&K Harvey, LLC

Who are we?

R&K Harvey, LLC is a collection of subject matter experts, with over 30 years of collective experience, each of whom has extensive experience and most of whom hold the highest degrees (PhD) in their respective fields. We are Human Resource experts with experience in Job Analysis, Employee Selection, Competency Modelling, Strategic Planning, and Performance Management. We are university professors with well over 30 years of experience presenting sophisticated material to both academic and lay audiences alike. We are award-winning researchers with well over 50+ scientific publications. We are licensed Psychologists/Therapists and Educators of Therapists. Most relevant we are Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultants who leverage the aforementioned roles into the DEI services that provide to clients.

Our Expertise

A primary area of expertise of R&K Harvey, LLC (“R&K”), is in DEI Experience Management. Experience management involves designing and improving products, services, and experiences for organizations. Thus, we assist organizations by measuring and improving the DEI experiences they provide to their key stakeholders which may include staff, leaders, vendors, suppliers, customers, boards, and shareholders. DEI experiences comprise distinct offerings that create value for stakeholders and a competitive advantage for organizations.


Our DEI experience offerings range from DEI audits/assessments to workshops and trainings to target awareness, knowledge and skill building. Moreover, they include active learning modules to ensure that the material is personally relevant, deeply grounded, and practically applied to real-life situations in which participants are likely to find themselves.

Our Approach

What makes us unique and most valuable to clients is our specialized approach to working closely with clients based upon their distinct, individualized needs. We utilize an Organizational Development process approach that engages the client at every step of the process. In contrast to the typical and more common “expert model” that assumes that the consultant “knows best,” an organizational development approach coaches the client through a decision process that allows them to “own” every step of the process. Thus, there are no surprises; the end product is exactly what the client anticipated. Furthermore, this approach works to build the capacity of the client such that over time they come to better understand the various components of the training process. This then allows the client the option of building their own DEI training modules.

Organizations differ with respect to where they are on their DEI journey. Thus, accordingly, their needs differ. A one-size-fits-all approach to DEI training is never sufficient to meet those unique needs. Our training is guided by a developmental model that acknowledges that people are at different places of the learning arc when it comes to DEI work, from resistance to ally-ship. Thus, the training modalities and materials should be sensitive to these developmental differences.

We offer a variety of training modules that can be broken down into smaller and/or grouped together into larger training sessions to customize the DEI training experience for each unique organization. We will work with the client to assess their training needs and then create a customized training experience for the organization.

Beyond the inclusion of evidence-based and best practice content, we also pay careful attention to the training experience itself. We provide immersive and transformative experiences in virtually every training session. We utilize active learning tools that are most appropriate for adult learners. Thus, our training experiences involve a variety of engaging activities including game/simulations, polls, case studies, work-sheets, self-assessments, small-group and large-group discussions.

We have experience and are able to deliver training across multiple modalities. We can tailor most of our training modules to either an in-person or virtual modality. However, some of the interactive exercises may depend upon whether the session is in-person or virtual.

We can provide training that is customized and tailored for different audiences within the organization, from regular staff, to leadership, to specific subject matter experts (e.g., Human Resources, DEIB committees, etc.).