Consultant Services

Diversity/Inclusion Coaching – This is one-on-one coaching, ideally, for those who are leading diversity and inclusion initiatives in the organization (e.g. VP of DEI)

Building a DEI Committee – This is a training and/or group facilitation on how to build a DEI committee based on global best practices in DEI.

Internal Processes Policy Review – This is a review of the selection, onboarding, training, performance appraisal, and dismissal policies with respect to the degree to which these policies either facilitate or hinder diversity, equity, and inclusion.

DEI Assessment StudyThis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the status of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in an organization at both the organizational and individual employee levels. This information is typically disaggregated by both work-related (job role; department) and sociodemographic (race, gender, sexual orientation, disability) group comparisons. A high validity and quality report is generated that can be used to identify areas for improvement (i.e., “opportunities”).

DEI Training - A primary area of expertise of R&K Harvey is assisting organizations in conducting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Workshops, Trainings, and Group Facilitations. The workshops and trainings target awareness, knowledge and skill building. Moreover, they include active learning modules to ensure that the material is personally relevant, deeply grounded, and practically applied to real-life situations in which participants are likely to find themselves.