Frequently Asked Questions

How does the system work?

The patented SlideRight system is comprised of pneumatic air valve powered motion. We do not use high tension springs or anything that might potentially damage your rollers.

Where does the SlideRight system come from?

The patented SlideRight system is assembled here in America, in our very own warehouse.

Do you sell replacement parts if my unit breaks?

Unfortunately due to insurance provisions, we are unable to sell parts for the SlideRight system as it is considered a safety device. However, we are happy to send our certified technicians to your home for a repair. Give us a call to schedule: 520-917-1880

Does your product wear on my rollers?

No, our product will not cause additional wear on your rollers. The system is installed on the back of the sliding panel and up into the track. Each time the door is opened, it is subsequently closed. It makes no difference if this is done by human power or a pneumatic device.

Does the self-closer make the door harder to open and close?

While the system does require the use of both the regular and safety handle to pull open, the beauty of this is you don't have to yank the door shut.

Can the SideRight unit be installed if I have a slide-in doggie door on my sliding glass door?

Unfortunately, there is no way for us to install the SlideRight unit with the sliding glass door dog door attached. (please know that no pet doors are allowed when a pool is present)

My technician says I need new rollers in order for my unit to work properly. Why?

The rollers come standard with any sliding glass door, much like tires on a car. In order for the self-closer to pull the door closed, the rollers must have fully operable bearings to help the cable along. The less stress on the cable, the better and faster the door will shut.

Do you service butterfly doors, also called bi-parting doors?

We sure do! Butterfly doors are 4 paneled sliding glass doors, which open in the middle, one panel opens right and one panel opens left. We can install rollers as well as install our closer and latch system for each panel.

What are your office hours?

SlideRight of Tucson is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Where are you located:

Our address is 8340 N Thornydale Rd. #110-235, Tucson, AZ 85741