Year 1/2

In Year 1/2 students continue to develop the fundamental skills learnt in the Prep year and build upon these in preparation for entering the middle years of their education. Students are supported to begin to develop their independence and self-motivation throughout these years, becoming more familiar with the expectations and routines of the whole school environment.

In the final term of Year 2, students are supported through the transition process into the middle years by participating in their first ‘Mini Educational Research Project’. This allows them to experience the expectations of a new chapter in their learning journey in a safe and structured environment, assisting in encouraging familiarity for when they commence Year 3.

Play-based learning through the Walker Learning Pedagogy’s Investigation Time is explored on a deeper level, incorporating students’ interests and the curriculum with hands-on experiences that allow them to develop new skills and reflect on their outcomes for future consolidation with support and scaffolding from the teacher. Throughout Investigation Time, students continue to be given the opportunity to be the Focus Student, Reporter and Photographer on a fortnightly roster, encouraging students to take interest in their peers and link their learning to other areas of the curriculum such as Literacy, Numeracy, Religion and other subject foci. These integral roles also foster the development of positive and supportive relationships between students, their peers and their teachers.