Information & Communication Technology


The senior secondary ICT curriculum aims to

Curriculum Framework

Compulsory Part

A. Information Processing

B. Computer System Fundamentals

C. Internet and its Applications

D. Computational Thinking and Programming

E. Social Implication

Elective Part

A. Databases

C. Algorithm and Programming

School-based Assessment

** For detailed information, please refer to the C&A Guide provided by HKEAA. **

Teacher List

Mr. Pau Chung Wai  (S4-S6)

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Subject Google Site

The following website is intended for internal use only and can only be accessed by authorized Shun Lee teachers and students.

National Security Education

To ensure national security, cyber security is among the twenty key areas of focus. Accordingly, we strongly encourage all ICT students to participate in the cyber security training offered by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and successfully complete the associated examination. 

We also encourage students to participate in cyber security competitions, which offer valuable opportunities to gain practical experience and face new challenges. Engaging in these competitions allows students to enhance their cyber security skills while networking and collaborating with like-minded individuals. Furthermore, participating in competitions helps broaden students' exposure and recognition, establishing a strong groundwork for their future professional growth.