What is a Comprehensive School Counseling Program?

Melanie Brashears 

Elementary School mbrashears@slcsd.org


Elementary School hvsetcka@slcsd.org

Leslie Mohr

Elementary-Middle lmohr@slcsd.org 

Alexandria Vasher

Middle School 5th&7th avasher@slcsd.org 

Jon Millea

Middle School 6th&8th jmillea@slcsd.org 

Jodi THeisen

High School 9th-11th jtheisen@slcsd.org 

Chrystal Neiland

 High School Seniors


Gus Raymond

 High School 

Director of Prevention & Intervention graymond@slcsd.org 

Elementary School students may use CloseGap to share their feelings daily.  They may also seek out their counselors by going to the office and filling out a paper note.

Middle School students may use the daily check-in form to share feelings and reach out to a counselor.  They may also go to the Zone and/or counselors' offices.

High School students may talk with their advisors, or seek out their counselors directly by going to the office or using email.