SLAM20a Season 1

SLAM20a Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

This is episode 1 of a seasonal series that takes place in the SLAM academy. This episode is centered around Ms. M who is a student teacher in a video production class who suddenly has to take over the class from Mr. Sheridan. The events that follow show the struggle that Ms. M faces to become a good and appreciated teacher to her students. Please Enjoy!

What I learned?

This is the very first episode of SLAM20a, and honestly it has not been easy. This project was the hardest thing I've ever done in SLAM. the whole production took at least 8 weeks. We spent the first 6 weeks on preproduction. We created each character in depth. The amount of effort that went into every little aspect of this show is mind-blowing. We can tell you what makes each character tick and who their family is. We wrote a complete lore and world around this show. We did all this so that we could create a series and have multiple episodes that are all pieces of the overall story. We also planned everyone's costume and how each person would compliment each other and the set. Then after we had all that done we had to write how the actual video would flow. We made a storyboard and we revised that storyboard multiple times then we made a detail shot sheet. Finally, after we planned everything out with excruciating detail we had to actually get everyone together and film. That proved to be one of the most difficult things to do. We had a cast of 15 independent people that all had scheduling issues. All this combined made the stress of the project immense. But, with every little hurdle I was still just as eager to get this episode out. Some of the biggest struggles we faced was actors not being consistent or just dropping out completely. An other problem was the lack of crew. The first day of shooting, which was the majority of the video was done single handily by Sidney and I. But, after all those long and late nights spent working or crying or both, the final result couldn't be better. This whole process has been incredibly difficult and stressful but, it has really highlighted to me my passion for film making. So please enjoy!

SLAM20a - Script: S1 Ep1