Teacher Training




研習會以幼兒與高中教案設計演示: 如何運用STEAM理論與實踐,從跨領域科目中,學習動手做,發揮設計思考的能力;從SDGs(聯合國永續發展目標)永續議題,作為行動實踐指標,兩者都可結合蒲公英故事學習生命品德,培養學生溝通、團隊合作、創造力、批判性思考、解決問題能力等高層次思維,以實踐108課綱「核心素養」中「社會參與」、「自主行動」、「溝通互動」,帶出教育創新行動的新藍海。

■ 研習時間:

2022年8月12日(五) 18:00-21:30

8月13日(六) 09:30-17:30

■ Google Meet 線上研習

■ 參與對象: 在職幼兒、國小、國中、高中教師或家長

■ 核發「完成研習電子證明書」,時數: 9.5小時

( *需全程參與,以線上報到與簽退為憑,以核發完成研習電子證明書。)

主辦單位/ 蒲公英希望基金會 協辦單位|感恩基金會

Our next teacher webinars


We’re excited to bring you our next set of new and free webinars. All of our teacher webinars will last 1 hour and you will receive a certificate of attendance and recording within a week of the webinar.

Developing Speaking skills for B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools: A focus on pronunciation

This webinar is part of a 4-part series about developing speaking skills. We will focus on pronunciation and look at key features of speech such as intonation, connected speech and word stress so that your students sound confident and easy to understand in their B1 Preliminary for Schools and B2 First for Schools exams. This webinar will include practical teaching ideas and resources for you to use in your classroom.