
Marcy Weed, LCSW

315 291-2223


Hello, I am the school social worker at Waterman Elementary School and I am so excited to work with our youngest learners. I offer mental health counseling, both individual and in groups, for the families of our kindergarten through second grade students. Here are a few topics that I cover but please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Separation

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Focus and attention

  • Social Skills

  • Problem Solving

  • Grief and loss

  • Wellness and Coping Strategies

  • Emotional regulation

I work with students one on one or in groups. I also go into classrooms to offer a research based social-emotional curriculum called Second Step. In addition, I am a part of our Friday morning meetings where I am able to share a mental health/wellness topic with our entire school. It is so important for all students to learn about their feelings and some steps to staying healthy.

I do offer a changing family group for any students whose family is going through a separation/divorce or other significant change. These are lunch time groups and have been found to be a great source of strength and support for students in these circumstances.

Please contact me if you have any questions and/or are interested in signing a permission form to allow me to work with your child.

For more information and a fun way to find some resources for you and your Waterman students please follow this link to find my Bitmoji classroom. When you move your cursor around the page you will find links to various resources (including this page :)

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