Mindfulness Activity of the Day

Day 1 - Mountain

Click on link above to see video on how to do Mountain.

Source / Credits:

Video: https://youtu.be/NuJyXxOoj7Q

Mountain Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 2 - Mandala Movement Meditation

Now...take it outside:

Rainy Day?


Download free mandala coloring pages, print and color with your favorite coloring tools such as colored pencil, crayons, markers or paint. These can vary widely in complexity so add 'for children' or 'for adults' to find the best fit for the colorer. There are also many wonderful mandala coloring books available (just google it!).

Mandala Coloring Tips and Games

Try these tips:

1) Find a cozy spot to color.

2) Listen to soft, calming music.

3) Choose your colors - you might like to coordinate them.

4) Start from the center.

5) Use the same colors for any repeating patterns.

6) Relax and enjoy!

Create a Family Mandala Wall

1) Print one of the SAME mandala designs for each family member.

2) Color in your designs individually (no peeking!).

3) As you finish, sign them and post them up on a wall all together.

4) What do you notice? Observe and discuss.

Collaborative Mandala Game

1) Print a single mandala coloring page.

2) Each person chooses one or two unique colors.

3) Take turns adding to the mandala.

4) Optional: When it's your turn, see if you can find and color just one of the repeating patterns.

5) Add your group design to the Family Mandala Wall.

Chalk it out!

If sharing, please include relevant source/credit, links and tags:

Mandala Movement Meditation Card: Yoga For Children Yoga-Cards

Green Group Mandala: excerpted from 'Explore the Outdoors' activity from the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Mandala Coloring Tips and Games: Lisa Flynn, founder of Yoga for Classrooms

Photos used with permission: ChildLight Education Company

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 3 - Washing Machine

Click on link above to see video on how to do Washing Machine

Source / Credits:

Washing Machine Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 4 - Special Place Meditation

Click on link above to see video on how to do Special Place Meditation

Source / Credits:

Special Place Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 5 - Balloon Breath

Click on link above to see video on how to do Balloon Breath

Source / Credits:

Balloon Breath Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 6 - Warrior Series

Click on link above to see video on how to do Warrior Series

Source / Credits:

Warrior Series Activity Cards: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 7 - Magic Massage

Click on link above to see video on how to do Magic Massage

Source / Credits:

Magic Massage Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 8 - Tree Pose

Click on link above to see video on how to do Tree Pose

Source / Credits:

Tree Pose Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 9 - Power Breath

Click on link above to see video on how to do Power Breath

Source / Credits:

Power Breath Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 10 - Gratitude Relaxation

Click on link above to see video on how to do Gratitude Relaxation

Source / Credits:

Gratitude Relaxation Activity Card: Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 11 - Chair Yoga Stretch

Click on link above to see video on how to do Chair Yoga Stretch

Source / Credits:

'At Your Desk' Activity Cards: From the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards, by Lisa Flynn: http://bit.ly/Y4Ccards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms

Day 12 - Outside In - Mindful Listening

Click on link above to see video on how to do Outside In - Mindful Listening

Source / Credits:

"Outside In" Activity: From the Yoga for Children-Yoga Cards: 50+ Yoga and Mindfulness Activities for Kids, by Lisa Flynn: https://bit.ly/YogaforChildrenActivityCards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms @childlighteducationcompany #childlighteducationcompany #yogaforchildren

Day 13 - Exhale The Week

Click on link above to see video on how to do Exhale The Week

Source / Credits:

Exhale the Week is a student created variation of Flying Bird Breath, a 'Let's Breathe' activity from the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards.

Day 14 - Do My Best

Click on link above to see video on how to do - Do My Best

Source / Credits:

"Do My Best" is an activity from the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards, by Lisa Flynn: http://bit.ly/Y4Ccards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms #yogaforclassrooms

Day 15 - Bumble Bee Breath

Click on link above to see video on how to do Bumble Bee Breath

Source / Credits:

Bumble Bee Breath is a 'Let's Breathe' activity from the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards, by Lisa Flynn: http://bit.ly/Y4Ccards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms #yogaforclassrooms #yogaforchildren

Day 16 - Desk Puppy Stretch

Click on link above to see video on how to do Desk Puppy Stretch

Source / Credits:

Desk Puppy and Puppy Friends are 'Stand Strong' activities from the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards, by Lisa Flynn: http://bit.ly/Y4Ccards

Social Tags: @yoga4classrooms #yoga4classrooms #yogaforclassrooms #yogaforchildren

Day 17 - Taste Meditation (Mindful Eating)

Click on link above to see video on how to do Taste Meditation

Source / Credits:

Taste Meditation is a 'Mindful Me' activity from the Yoga for Children-Yoga Cards, by Lisa Flynn: https://bit.ly/YogaforChildrenActivityCards

Social Tags Facebook: #yogaforchildren #yoga4classrooms @lisadflynn

Social Tags IG: #yogaforchildren #yoga4classrooms @lisaflynn11

Day 18 - Seated Boat Pose

Click on link above to see video on how to do Seated Boat Pose

Source / Credits:

Boat is an 'At Your Desk' activity from the Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Cards, by Lisa Flynn: http://bit.ly/Y4Ccards

Social Tags Facebook: @yoga4classrooms @lisadflynn #yogaforchildren

Social Tags IG: @yoga4classrooms @lisaflynn11 #yogaforchildren