IT Support for Zoom during the conference

Breakfast and Registration

8:00am - 8:30am

Mandeville Atrium and Hallway

Poster Hour and Breakfast

8:30am - 9:30am

Mandeville Atrium and Hallway

Opening Remarks and Recognition of Excellence

9:30am - 10:00am

Office of Teaching and Learning Co-Directors: Dr. Aubrey Wang and Dr. Andrew Peterson

Mandeville Teletorium

Keynote Presentation and Fireside Chat

10:00am - 11:10am

“Innovation in Education: Bridging AI and Ignatian Pedagogy”

Mandeville Teletorium


11:10am - 11:20am

11:20am - 12:00pm

   Mandeville 107

Dr. Ann Green, English, College of Arts and Sciences, Karen Pinto, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology, Rob McCunney, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology

Cas Hruska, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology, and Alyssa Kirchner, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology

Zoom link to be sent to registrants directly

Zoom link to be sent to registrants directly and 

On-site, the session will be hybrid in MV 111

      Zoom link to be sent to registrants directly

   Mandeville 105


12:00pm - 12:45pm

Mandeville 123 and other rooms around MV

12:45pm - 1:25pm

Mandeville 111

presented by Dr. Diane Quinn, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Health Professions, Dr. Aubrey Wang, Department of Educational Leadership, Counseling and Social Work, School of Education and Human Development, Dr. Marie Wood, Associate Dean, School of Nursing and Allied Health, Dr. Joseph McCleery, Department of Psychology, College of Arts & Sciences, Kinney Center for Autism Education & Support, and Dr. Barbara Keller, Department of Physical Therapy, Co-Director of Clinical Education, School of Health Professions

Zoom link to be sent to registrants directly

On-site, the session will be hybrid in MV 204

presented by Dr. Ann Green, Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences, Karen Pinto, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology, Rob McCunney, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology, Cas Hruska, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology, and Alyssa Kirchner, Academic Technology, Office of Information Technology

Zoom link to be sent to registrants directly

presented by Dr. Kiersten White, AVP for Health & Well-being, Student Life, Marci Berney, Director of Student Outreach & Support, Student Life, Dr. Scott Sokoloski, Director of Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Life, and Dr. Lexi Morrison, Director of Title IX & Equity Compliance, Student Life

Mandeville 105

presented by Dr. Nancy Komada, Student Transitions, Dr. Elizabeth M. Lee, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. John C. Yi, Department of Decision and System Sciences, Haub School of Business

  Zoom link to be sent to registrants directly

presented by Dr. Christina King Smith, Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences

  Mandeville 103