
My Philosophy Statement

I believe all students have the right to a quality and well rounded education. I value providing resources to students and families in order for students to improve and grow academically, emotionally, and personally. I stand on the principles that students need to feel respected for who they are, their story, history and who they are in their entirety: racially, culturally, and linguistically. 

I believe students should be given ample foundational support to help them succeed in school and life by giving them resources, support, and opportunities in all academic areas. Students need to inquire and problem solve through creative means such as through reading, art, music, dance, math, science, and technology, and honor their multiliteracies. I believe every child and student should be known and heard, and offered a safe and inclusive learning environment to thrive in. I hope to support students and their families to reach goals for the students, whether it be academic, social or life goals. 

I will strive to find ways to provide equity for students who have limited access to resources by looking at the infrastructure to find creative ways to solve the imbalance, so all students have access to a quality and well rounded education.