Policies,   Documents, & Useful Links 

Official Program Description Based on SJSU Catalog

Student Teaching in Mathematics in Departmentalized Settings Field Guide

Policy on Retaking Student Teaching Phases/Dismissal from the Integrated Program

Student teachers may receive an improvement plan to identify and frame areas of concern and document progress towards improvement in line with program goals and pacing (see section 15.5.2 of the Student Teaching Guide for details about the improvement plan process). Incomplete or insufficient progress may lead to cancellation of a placement and/or no credit for the phase of student teaching. Student teachers who receive no credit for any reason but are still considered to be in good standing or have the potential to improve within the program may have a second chance in any phase of student teaching. Students entering a second attempt at a phase of student teaching will be given a remediation plan that must be completed. Depending on the timing of the semester and/or the reason for the dismissal/ cancellation, student teachers may be permitted to have a semester between phases before retaking student teaching. Student teachers who fail to earn credit for a second attempt in any phase of student teaching will be disqualified and dismissed from the SJSU Credential Program. They need to pursue another major (e.g., B.A. Mathematics) and then re-apply to SJSU's Single Subject Credential Program (through TED).

Technology, CPR, and U.S. Constitution Requirements

Refer to the link  below from the  Teacher Education Department for  details.


California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs)

California Teacher Performance Assessment (CalTPA)

2014 English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework

Integrating Literacy in Middle School and High School Mathematics

MTED 184X, Y, and Z Documents