Questions for Recruiters

Making the Most of Your Time

Only have a few minutes to talk with a recruiter or program representative? This gives you enough time to ask three, maybe five questions, so you’ll want to think in advance about what information is most important to you. Here are some tips:

As you get started in thinking about graduate schools, you may want to think about the following topic areas relative to particular programs: admissions processes, financial aid availability, type of program curriculum, student support resources, campus culture, professional development resources, and logistics (housing and transportation). 

Specific questions about each of these areas are available below. We hope you will take the time to review this list and highlight a few questions you feel are most important to your decision-making process. Remember that some questions might prompt longer answers from recruiters than others. Plan your time accordingly and arrange your list so that you start with the most important questions. You can keep a few backup questions on hand in case you have extra time in your one-on-one session. 

Potential Questions for Recruiters (by Subject)

Campus Culture

Career Development

Financial Aid


Program Curriculum and Support

Wrapping Up/Following Up with Programs and Universities

Be inquisitive! Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Remember, you are investing a considerable amount of time, energy, and money in graduate school.